The promotion of Windsurfing

Maui no ka oi

IWT Sales Pitch 2017. At the end of 2016, as I was exploring opportunities in AI, I took a couple of months off and headed to Maui to clear my mind and fulfil a lifelong dream. Took part in the Aloha Classic, a landmark competition in wavesailing windsurfing.
During that time I met most of the top athletes in the discipline, acted as a small sponsor for the event with my windsurfing and boardriding brand ( and engaged with the management of the International Windsurfing Tour, at the time still called AWT, A standing for American.

The hard life: on site promotion

Had a lot of fun promoting iSurf on Maui, interviewing athletes, shooting and filming windsurfing, acting as an event correspondent for the leading Italian WS Mag and – at the end of the day – merging two of my greatest passions: marketing and windsurfing.
Over a beer with tour organiser, Sam Bittner, we decided I could also help IWT fundraising efforts for the next year. Was counting on a few good contacts in marketing in Italy who are also friends and avid windsurfers/kiters.


Fundraising for the International Windsurfing Tour

In time I developed the underneath document to pitch windsurfing to my fellow marketeers:

In this document you will find hard to recover numbers and demographics of the windsurfing community, with the implied economics. There were no know numbers, at least publicly available, and I’ve had to do my bit of research even for one of my pet market and develop a small model.
The document above is the result of my efforts, which I find almost my duty to publicly share. Mind you: it is not the last version of the IWT marketing pitch, for which I encourage you to get in touch with the organisers.

However, in case one or more of my fellow marketing colleagues is reading this and is interested to support the AWT for next year – hopefully Covid free – drop me a line or contact the AWT mentioning you came my way through the IWT Sales Pitch 2017.

More Samantha’s blog articles
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